Ochronotic knee in a patient with Alkaptonuria

  • Alkistis I. Triantafyllopoulou
  • Vasileios Samdanis
  • Konstantinos Liosis
  • , Ioannis K. Triantafyllopoulos
Keywords: Alkaptonuria, Ochronosis, Arthritis.


A patient with a not known history of alkaptonuria was admitted for knee osteoarthritis and total joint replacement treatment. During the operation the dark colour of the knee cartilage resembled the clinical manifestation of Ochronosis. Postoperatively the patient was informed and laboratory and imaging studies put the diagnosis of Alkaptonuria. Alkaptonuria is a rare metabolic disorder affecting the connective tissue. Ill patients are usually suffering from joint arthritis and seek for orthopaedic advice and treatment. 


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Author Biographies

Alkistis I. Triantafyllopoulou

Biology Department, Bristol University, Bristol, UK

Vasileios Samdanis

5th Orthopaedic Department, HYGEIA Private Hospital, Athens, Greece

Konstantinos Liosis

5th Orthopaedic Department, HYGEIA Private Hospital, Athens, Greece

, Ioannis K. Triantafyllopoulos

5th Orthopaedic Department, HYGEIA Private Hospital, Athens, Greece


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