The echo of Silence
silence; echo; absence of sound; pause; noise; scream.Abstract
We perceive the world around us through synapses, neurons, and cells. Nevertheless, some of us fall to the temptation of doubting their own senses, seeking comfort in technology and the “infallible” artificial intelligence. Others have reconciled the idea that they see the world through a peephole. Others do not even bother and instead they leave it all to the experts. Questions remain unanswered, creating the root of the question of the current paper: How do we define silence? How do we capture in words and shapes the complete absence of sound? Our senses fail to detect silence. However, they do prove able to describe the world that surrounds them. This is because, around the (apparent) absence of sounds, we witness events that require our attention and stimulate our thoughts. Through afterimages and aftermaths, we form our opinions on all things. There is no need to see the Higgs boson. We need only observe the effects of the actions of the energy derived from its existence. In the physical world, everything enlarges upon the field of human cognition, which constantly searches for ways to decode guarded secrets that define our own existence. It is thus worth to think about the labyrinths of comprehension in order to touch the essence of silence, carefully pondering the echo of its aftermath.
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