Fracture Liaison Services (FLS): a Review
Osteoporosis; Fragility fractures; Fracture liaison servicesAbstract
Fragility fractures, namely fractures from low-energy mechanisms that would not produce fracture in a healthy bone, are most commonly caused by osteoporosis, and constitute a major financial burden worldwide. The effectiveness of systems for the prevention of fragility fractures, also known as fracture liaison services (FLS) has been investigated by numerous programs. The FLS is a coordinated care paradigm where several providers work together to help the patient manage their osteoporosis following a fragility fracture in order to help prevent subsequent fractures. FLS offers a thorough method for not only identifying individuals who are at risk for secondary fracture but also for putting into practice evidence-based therapies to stop further fractures. For the FLS to be successful, doctors, nurses, administration and national healthcare systems must work together toward the common objective of protecting patients aged 50 and older from fragility fractures. This review article discusses the current FLS programs, their pros and cons, and emphasizes on the Greek FLS model.
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